H&P Planet




This is a secure order form!

  If your browser supports SSL and Thawte certification your data will be send in a secure and crypted way to our server. You will see a lock at the lower left side of your browser window if it is in secure mode.

Enter your address

  Please enter your post address here:
Name (*)
ZIP code + City
Email (*)
Please check for correct spelling of your address because otherwise we might not be able to send the products to you! Fields marked with (*) must be filled in!

Enter the products you want to buy

  Please enter the products you want to buy:


Methode of payment

  How do you want to pay ?
I will transfer the money to your account   by credit card  

If you want to transfer the money to our account, please use the following data:

Name of our bank Frankfurter Sparkasse 1822
BLZ (bank code) 50050201
our account number 71902

If you want to pay by credit card, please fill in those fields:

card type VISA    Eurocard/Mastercard
card owner
card number
valid thru

What else did you want to tell us:


Send it!

  That's all! Now just check the data again and click "Transfer" ...

© 1998 HAAGE & PARTNER Computer - http://www.haage-partner.com